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From food to gadgets, the home delivery of goods is depositing cardboard boxes across the world, and there is no denying that we really love the convenience of it all.

buying a shrink wrapping machine on a phone

Manufacturers are starting to reduce their packaging in an effort to cut costs. Some businesses change cardboard for shrink wrap instead, as it is known that shrink wrap film can greatly reduce packaging costs. When cardboard is used, fewer transporters are using the “Russian doll” method of product transit, in which a series of smaller boxes are inside a large box. Because more items are being shipped directly to consumers, fewer items are being boxed and shipped to retail stores inside of larger boxes.

The steady and potentially increasing use of cardboard is an advantage for the cardboard manufacturing industry but leaves many of us grappling with the long-term effects of an increasingly e-commerce-driven economy.

Excess Packaging

Food and packaging go hand in hand. From individually wrapped oranges and cucumbers to layers of glossy card around premium ready meals, the shelves of supermarkets are full of products designed to catch the eye of consumers while providing the protection needed to guarantee the freshness and high standard that customers want. However, there are mountains of packaging waste, and as recent figures show, we have seen an impact on the amount of food waste going to landfill: an estimated 7.3m tonnes of household food waste was thrown away in Britain 2015 – up from 7m tonnes in 2012.

When ordering an item online, many of us are met with an unnecessarily large box contain only a few small items; and this is what we really mean by excess packaging. Companies who are looking to make their businesses eco-friendlier should sit down and think about ways to reduce packaging costs, like cutting down on the amount of cardboard they use.

What about Shrink Wrap?

Businesses who invest in shrink wrapping machines can become a lot more efficient. Shrink wrap is much more cost effective than cardboard and can save between 50-75% on materials alone. It has also proven to be much more efficient as the equipment has the ability to collate products automatically.

There will be no need for bulky cardboard boxes, as it can be a lot quicker to shrink wrap a product than having to pack individual items into boxes. When using shrink wrap as your packaging solution, it can very affordable compared to cardboard, as shrink wrap encloses the product, saving space when in the warehouse or during transportation.

Because of the material that shrink wrap is made of, it gives a product protection from the outside elements as well as from moisture. Due to its strong structure, it can prevent any damage which may occur during transit or storage. If a product only has a cardboard box as storage, it gives the product no protection against water, as well as not keeping it as secure.

With many us opting to purchase goods online, businesses are always coming up with new and smart ways to package their products. The packaging industry can change instantly due to new rules and regulations brought in by the government. As the online shopping world continues to grow, we can’t wait to see how the packaging world progresses.